Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond
We offer a comprehensive Birthing Package for expectant mothers (and Birthing Persons).
As parents ourselves, we have had our own (wildly differing) experiences when it comes to birthing babies!
Something we can both agree on is that women, and parents generally, don't always get the support they often need.
We aim to support people throughout their whole journey into parenthood, before, during and after. If you are trying to conceive, are currently pregnant or already have children, you have come to the right place.
The experience of Birth should be a celebrated event, without fear or confusion. Unfortunately, after speaking to many parents, it's apparent that this isn't always the case. This gave us the inspiration to combine our talents, and provide an insightful and engaging programme to help you at every step of the way.
How we can help
With you, every step of the way

Birth Education
A full understanding
As mothers ourselves, we want you to have the best and most comprehensive information to help you understand every aspect of your pregnancy and birth.
Georgina has been a Birth Coach and Educator for many years and has much knowledge to share.
Access Your Inner Power
Hypnobirthing aims to realign your mind and body, preparing you for a wonderful birthing experience. Laura can offer a specifically tailored package to help your mind and body prepare for labour. A calm and happy birth is the best outcome for mother and baby, hypnotherapy is a wonderful resource for this.
Personal Doula
Birthing Assistance in Labour
Would you like a birthing partner to help and encourage you throughout your labour? Or maybe just an extra pair of hands in the room, to provide support and extra care. As a qualified Doula, Georgina would love to support you with this. Births don't always go to plan, the more support new mothers have, the better.

Birth Debrief
Discussing your experience
It is so important for parent to be able to talk about their birth with someone who genuinely cares. Birth is a life changing event for all involved, we pride ourselves on being able to assist you understand every aspect of what happened before, during and after labour.
Birth Trauma
Processing Unresolved Trauma
Sometimes it doesn't go to plan, especially if you went into labour unprepared or if there is an emergency intervention. Trauma may cause you distress and this is something that must be resolved as soon as possible. Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you deal with any post traumatic stress from your birthing experience. We know how difficult it can be.
Postpartum Depression
You are not alone
Pregnancy and Birthing a baby are life changing events. They can also cause you to feel lonely and out of control, especially if you are grieving your past life. Feeling this way is OK and actually really common, it too shall pass, especially with us on hand to help you through. Cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy to restructure the mind, is highly beneficial. Your happiness matters.

Feeding your baby
We are not lactation consultants, but we have both managed to successfully breastfeed our own children. We can offer support and point you in the right direction if you do need some extra help.
Relationship Coaching
When things change
Hypnotherapy is excellent at helping us understand our own needs, as well as our partners. Parenthood can change relationships, in great and amazing ways for the most part, but it can also create distance between us and our partners. This is totally normal, and in the long term can even strengthen the bond, provided it is addressed and handled.
Trying to conceive?
Understanding our bodies is incredibly important when it comes to conception. Making sure you are getting all the correct nutrients to grow a baby is essential for health. Hypnotherapy to uncover mental blocks is also a valuable tool.
We cannot diagnose the causes of fertility issues or offer medical advice.